
Vision 2020

拜小時候參加 YEF 之賜,成了 YEF 之友,而知道了 6/29 有一場會議,是在討論 Vision 2020 的,其中


中研院院長 翁啟惠 先生
台積電董事長 張忠謀 先生
台達電子董事長 鄭崇華 先生
廣達電腦董事長 林百里 先生
表演工作訪 賴聲川 先生


**Re-shaping Globalization
Lester C. Thurow, Professor of Management and Economics,
MIT Sloan School of Management

Clean Energy and the Global Economy
Donald R. Lessard, Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management,
MIT Sloan School of Management

Playing Our Game: China’s Global Embrace
Edward S. Steinfeld, Associate Professor of Political Economy,
MIT Department of Political Science

Unchanged Education Principles in a Changing World
Cyrus Chu/朱敬一, Academician, Academia Sinica/中央研究院

Creative Visions for the Coming Decade
Stan Lai/賴聲川, Founder and Artistic Director, Performance Workshop/表演工作坊

科學和技術的影響力則有 :

Life Science in Transforming Our Future
Chi-Huey Wong/翁啟惠, President, Academia Sinica/中央研究院

Energy Technology and Innovation
Ernest Moniz, Director, MIT Energy Initiative and Laboratory for Energy and Environment

The Promise of Neuroscience
Li-Huei Tsai/蔡立慧, Director, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, MIT

**The Future of Computing: Opportunities and Challenges for Taiwan
Victor Zue/舒維都, Director, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

From Personal Computers to Personal Robots
Daniela Rus, Director, Distributed Robotics Laboratory, MIT CSAIL

企業的未來則有 :

Morris Chang/張忠謀, Chairman, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company/

**Future Business Leaders
David Schmittlein, Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management

Sustainable Development Starts with Environmental Protection and
Energy Saving
Bruce Cheng/鄭崇華, Chairman, Delta Electronics/台達電子

Foreseeing the Megatrend in the IT Industry
Barry Lam/林百里, Chairman, Quanta Computer/廣達電腦


Entrepreneurship and the Private Sector: the Driving Force of
Economic and Social Stability
Paul Hsu/徐小波, President, Epoch Foundation/時代基金會

**China 2020: More Difficulties and Further Development/
Fan Gang/樊綱, Director, National Economics Research Institute,
China Reform Foundation/中國改革基金會 國民經濟研究所

Confucian Humanism in the 21st Century/二十一世紀的儒家人文精神
Tu Weiming/杜維明, Professor of Philosophy and Director of Institute for Advanced
Humanistic Studies, Peking University/北京大學
Research Professor, Harvard University

Chinese Culture: It’s Not Just for “Chinese” People Anymore
Emma Teng/鄧津華, Associate Professor of Chinese Study, MIT

Economical and Social Impact of Computer and
Communication Technologies
Chung Laung Liu/劉炯朗, Academician, Academia Sinica/中央研究院

Doc Media and Young Citizenship
Ben Tsiang/蔣顯斌, Founder and CEO, CNEX

** <-- 有這個符號是我個人目前比較想去聽的場次,不得不說時代基金會真的很用心呀,好康拿不完咧。


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